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Ashish Bagwe
Ashish Bagwe
I recently had a Hair transplant from Hair Voyage and I had a wonderful experience. Dr and medical staff are very professional and addressed all my concerns before and during my hair transplant. I shall certainly recommend them to my family and friends.
Its not only a doctor but a friend, they have treated me well and professionally I was happy form day 1 and still very happy. I will advise this to my friends and family. Good and friendly people. Thank you Hair Voyage Turkey all the way from Namibia.
Пишу с акаунта своей мамы, так как мой аккаунт в гугл заблокировали. Делал пересадку в данной клиники меньше недели назад и естественно результат на раннем таком этапе оценить сложно. Но хочу отметить профессионализм и чуткость врачей , которые проводили весь процесс. Мне было максимально комфортно , ведь они прислушивались к моему состоянию все время операции , чувствовался их опыт и профессионализм.
Sehr professioneller Umgang und sehr gute Beratung bis ins kleinste Detail, habe mich sehr gut gefühlt kann ich absolut nur empfehlen !!! Top Vielen Dank
Danny Makwana
Danny Makwana
I want to share my experience with Hair Voyage Turkey.It took me couple of years to take the plung to have my hair restored .I accidentally stumbled across this place and you are always sceptical of the unknown.I exchanged few messages with Hair Voyage pleasant person not pushy I showed him my head and near the time we spoke and discussed what was required.At no point he asked for money up front he told me just send a copy of my passport.I was booked for the procedure on Monday.I was already in Turkey for my holiday.When arrived at site he introduced me to whole his team from reception nurses and other staff all very friendly accommodating made me feel really comfortable.After all the formalities the staff carried their works on me for couple days always making me feel comfortable.You are always feeling something can go wrong but these guys know their stuff explaining at every stage.I had a great experience with these guys they can not do enough for you even after care is 10 out of 10 when I came back I was still getting care in the UK.If you looking for a transplant give them a chance you will not be disappointed. and no one has bad word about them they are professional, very clean environment.Danny
Florian Röß
Florian Röß
Ich habe mich Anfang des Jahres, auf Empfehlung eines Bekannten, für HairVoyage entschieden.Anfang Mai war es dann soweit und ich Flog nach Antalya. Dort wurde ich am Abend wärmstens vom Behandelnden Arzt empfangen.Dieser holte mich auch am nächsten Tag persönlich vom Hotel ab und wir fuhren in die Klinik.Vor der OP wurde mir alles bestens erklärt und meine Wunschhaarlinie gezeichnet.Die Operation selber verlief schmerzfrei und das Ärzteteam kümmerte sich bestens um einen.Durch die verwendeten Medikamente hatte ich auch am Abend und den darauffolgenden Tagen keinerlei Schmerzen.Einen Tag nach der Transplantation wurde mir das Waschen und Pflegen der Haare sogar direkt im Hotel vom Ärzteteam gezeigt.Alles in Allem kann ich HairVoyage wärmstens Empfehlen. Der Service, das Team und auch die Unterkunft ist ausgezeichnet.Man wird dort wie ein Freund behandelt. Desweiteren wird man 24/7 über Whatsapp betreut.Vielen Dank für den netten Aufenthalt!
Nate L
Nate L
I got a Hair Transplant at Hair Voyage Turkey, and let me tell you guys the clinic and the team is so amazing and professional. Hair Voyage Turkey team are very professional and the Transplant went so smooth. Im so happy I chose them because they made me feel so comfortable and I am amazed by my results and it has only been 9 months. This clinic focuses on one patient per day, and they really care about their patients. I recommend this clinic to anyone because since you step in their clinic they make sure you meet all your needs and whats amazing is that the Team keeps in touch with you every month and I think thats very important. thank you so much, Hair Voyage clinic.
tabish rehman
tabish rehman
Having recently gone through the experience of having a hair transplant a couple of days ago at Hair Voyage, I have nothing but admiration for Hair Voyage, their personal interest in the procedure takes it to a different level. In most clinics you only get to speak to a representative but at Hair Voyage, communication will directly be with Hair Voyage Doctor himself which is absolutely brilliant.Initially, I was contemplating having the procedure in the UK or going to Istanbul but having communicated directly with Hair Voyage and their attention to detail about the process, I opted for Hair Voyage and I am glad I did that. The whole process was seamless. Transport to/from the hotel and clinic was brilliant as well as the hotel itself.After being picked up from the airport, when I got to the hotel, Doctor from Hair Voyage himself was already waiting for me in the hotel in the late hours of the evening and briefed me about the procedure and helped bring my anxiety level down a notch as I was anxious about getting the procedure overseas and had never done anything like this before.Clinic was clean, staff were very friendly and professional and procedure has been completed with satisfaction. Hair Voyage is always a text away and will reply to any queries in great detail as they did with myself.I highly recommend Hair Voyage Turkey for anyone who is thinking or considering about having a hair transplant procedure. Looking forward to having good results myself hopefully in the coming months IA.All the best.
Milana Davydova
Milana Davydova
I am from NY. Doctor and his colleagues are a very caring and fabulous team. I felt very welcomed . Everything was explained to me perfectly prior to and after my procedure. I felt like I was at home with the care that they provided. Everything was perfect and went smoothly. I highly recommend Doctor and his team! No words can describe how much I appreciate and am thankful for everything they have done. 🙏
Я безгранично благодарна команде Докторов и самим Докторам Клиники HairVoyageTurkey за услуги на высоком уровне и трепетную заботу о пациенте на протяжении всего процесса операции, до и после. С гордостью рекомендую и буду рекомендовать всем своим друзьям и знакомым ❤️ Спасибо огромное🙏 и низкий поклон 🙏🥰
Dilek Gencel
Dilek Gencel
Ein super professionelles Team, tolle Beratung&Betreuung, habe mich sehr gut aufgehoben gefühlt. Danke an das Hair Voyage Turkey Team!
Özgür Kafdağ
Özgür Kafdağ
I am a dentist. I've been thinking about getting a hair transplant for a long time. I was constantly postponing due to both my fears and the post-operative period. Until I met the hair voyage team ☺️ their kind and very friendly approach and seeing the cases they have done before was enough for me to decide immediately. The clinic was very hygienic and equipped. I was informed in great detail about everything that could happen before and after the operation. There is nothing to think about other than come and have your procedure done. they take care of everything else. Also, be sure that the operation is not an operation to be feared at all. I have never suffered. I would like to express my endless thanks to doctor and his wife for their smiling face and help throughout the whole process, and to all teammates who contributed during the operation. Come as soon as possible and get a hair transplant without thinking ☺️
Ho contattato il dottore per due amici che sono rimasti molto soddisfatti non solo del risultato ma dell’intero trattamento! Il dottore e la sua equipe sono sinonimo di eccellenza, garanzia, risultati eccellenti. Ls hairvoyageturkey è garanzia di eccellenza e qualità. Consiglio a tutti di rivolgersi a lui anche solo per una consulenza! Fantastico!
shakir c
shakir c
My experience with the Hair Voyage Turkey Team was nothing short of incredible. From the moment I collected my bags, there was already a driver waiting to transport me to the hotel. Upon arrival, I was warmly greeted by the team, who efficiently briefed me on the procedures scheduled for the next day. The following morning, a team member picked me up and escorted me to the clinic. There, the process was impressively streamlined—from completing the necessary paperwork to a thorough explanation of the procedure details by the team.The procedure itself was surprisingly pain-free. Throughout, the team kept me well-informed, providing updates to ensure I was comfortable and aware of the progress. That evening, thanks to the medication provided, I experienced minimal discomfort. The next day, the team was again prompt in picking me up for a follow-up at the clinic, where they gave detailed instructions on how to use the prescribed foam and shampoo.Throughout my stay, the team remained in constant touch, not only ensuring my medical needs were met but also extending their hospitality to include social outings such as lunches and dinners. Based on their exemplary service and the comprehensive care they provided, I would unreservedly give the Hair Voyage Turkey Team the highest rating possible. Their dedication and attention to detail made my experience exceptionally positive.
Ich komme aus Österreich und habe im Februar 2023 meine Haartransplantationen bei Hair Voyage Turkey durchführen lassen und möchte hier meine persönlichen Erfahrungen allen Suchenden zur Verfügung stellen um die Wahl und Suche nach der richtigen Klinik zu erleichtern.Ich glaube dass jeder der sich für eine HT entscheidet - auf der Suche nach der "BESTEN Klinik" ist um sein Wunschresultat zu erzielen....und das ist gar nicht so einfach in der Masse an Anbietern, denn jeder ist von sich überzeugt der Beste zu sein 🙂 und wirbt mit tollen Videos auf allen möglichenOnlineplattformen.Meine Anforderungen waren somit sehr hoch aber auch ganz klar gesetzt. Da sich für mich Qualität und Massenabfertigung nicht verbinden lassen fielen für mich viele Anbieter raus.Nach langer und gründlicher Recherche bin ich dann auf Hair Voyage Turkey gestoßen - hier wird die HT von einem medizinisch erfahrenem und langjährig ausgebildetem Personal durchgeführt. Der Anspruch dieser Klinik ist das hohe Maß an Qualität & Individualität (max. 3 OP`s pro Tag)....hier habe ich das gefunden wonach ich gesucht habe.Ablauf:Nach der Ankunft am Flughafen wird man von einem VIP Shuttle in das Hotel gebracht, wo man schon herzlich begrüßt wird (in perfekt deutscher Sprache). Nach dem einchecken wurde der Ablauf der nächsten Tage ausführlich besprochen - hier hatte man auch die Gelegenheit alle noch offenen Fragen zu stellen. Danach ging es gemeinsam in die Altstadt auf ein gemütliches Getränk.Zum OP Termin wird man am nächsten Tag vom Hotel abgeholt und in die Klinik gebracht. Dort angekommen bestätigte sich nochmal dass man sich für die richtige Klinik entschieden hat. Ich wurde mit so viel Herzlichkeit empfangen und hatte das Gefühl dass ICH im Fokus stehe und auf meine persönlichen Wünsche eingegangen wird.....Die OP wird in einer angenehmen Atmosphäre, sauber und professionell durchgeführt.Auch hier merkt man sofort dass sein Anspruch höchste Qualität ist und dies keinen Spielraum zulässt. Ich hatte auch keinerlei war genau so wie ich mir den Ablauf erhofft habe.Ich könnte hier noch viel mehr schreiben...mein Fazit auf den Punkt gebracht....wer einen Garant für seine HT sucht ist in der Hair Voyage Turkey Klinik definitiv richtig und wird sowohl mit dem Resultat als auch mit den Abläufen zufrieden sein.Eine Anmerkung muss ich unbedingt noch kommt als Kunde und geht als Freund....denn diese Menschen machen den Unterschied aus....ich möchte mich hier nochmal bei dem ganzen Team bedanken...für Alles was ihr vollbracht habt (ihr seid ganz besonders....bleibt so wie ihr seid)
Mathew Miller
Mathew Miller
Very nice and friendly staff everything was elite. All the way from Australia !!
user smart
user smart
A few days ago, I had a hair transplant at this clinic. It's too early to talk about the final results, and I think I'll update this post after 6 or 12 months, but I can already evaluate the clinic's service: everything went smoothly. The operation was conducted under constant supervision of clinic specialists at every stage. Hairvoyageturkey Team provided full support before and after the surgery, patiently answering all questions, even during non-working hours, and providing all post-operative instructions. The staff worked seamlessly, without haste, instilling confidence.I express my gratitude to the entire team!
Pradeep Shetty
Pradeep Shetty
I would highly recommend Hair Voyage Turkey.From the first consultation until to the very last day, the whole experience was amazing.The staff were very informative, highly trained and were very polite and accommodating.Thank you Hair Voyage Turkey for the hospitality, for making me comfortable and for the exceptional service.
Fabio Toscano
Fabio Toscano
Ich kann diese Klinik bestens empfehlen. Ich lebe in der Schweiz / Kt. Aargau und bin für meine Haartransplantation extra zur Hair Voyage Turkey gereist. Gerne bestätige ich folgendes: Top Ärzte, Top Service, Sehr freundlich, Klinik in einem sehr gepflegten, sauberen und modernen Zustand. Der Arzt spricht fliessend hochdeutsch, ist sehr professionell und beweist langjährige Erfahrung. Das Hairvoyage Team kümmert sich um jedes Detail und legt sehr Wert darauf das der Patient zur vollsten Zufriedenheit wieder nach Hause zurück kehrt, es ist eine absolute seriöse Klinik mit viel Erfahrung. Das Hairvoyage Turkey Team arbeitet Allgemein sehr speditiv und genau. Ich empfehle diese Klinik jeder Person die sich eine Haartransplantation machen will, ich hatte meine Haartransplantation am 19. Oktober 2023. Ich bin sehr sehr happy und glücklich über diesen Eingriff. Vielen vielen lieben dank an das komplette Team Hair Voyage Turkey !!!
Donald Macleod
Donald Macleod
Following a recommendation from a friend in Belek, Turkey I had a meeting with the Doctor from Hair Voyage Turkey.He was highly professional, thorough and reassuring in his manner. There was no pressure, but i felt certain after my questions and concerns were addressed to pursue a hair transplant.There are several reasons for wanting to go through this process, each are very personal.I have to say that I found Doctor and his team to be excellent, the facilities are first class and each step was clearly explained. Language was no issue and I felt completely reassured and trusted the team.There was a little discomfort as had been explained to me at the start, but once the medication had taken effect it was perfectly comfortable.My welfare was taken care of and I was returned to my hotel. Given plenty post care advice and had a follow up visit from the Doctor, he demonstrated the hair shampooing process and explained what was ahead. He provided antibiotics and necessary medication, but also supplementary products for my skin condition, which had been a primary factor me in considering the transplant in the first place.I have no hesitation in recommending Hair Voyage Turkey and their staff. If you are considering a hair transplant. You are in the best of care and treatment.
Callum Jackson
Callum Jackson
Strongly recommend hair voyage in turkey the service was second to none and professional aswell, i recently had my hair done here the clinic was clean and very modern. The Dr was very professional throughout and any queries i have had i get a response almost instantly, brilliant service and would recommend to anybody
Dall’arrivo sino alla partenza tutto il servizio è stato impeccabile. L’hotel Ramada in cui mi hanno fatto alloggiare era provvisto di tutti i migliori servizi, la clinica moderna con uno staff medico e paramedico professionale e rassicurante; in aggiunta la vista mare non guasta. Ottima assistenza pre e post-operatoria. Un ringraziamento particolare a tutto il team di HairVoyageTurkey che mi hanno seguito con una attenzione encomiabile. Adesso non mi resta che decidere il mio nuovo taglio di capelli.
George C
George C
I’m writing to share the incredible experience I had with the team at Hair Voyage Turkey. I’m a physician in the United States and I researched several transplant centers before selecting the team at Hair Voyage Turkey. The most important factors to me for consideration for any surgical procedure are experience and technical skill, outcomes, and patient experience and the team at Hair Voyage scored top marks in each of those categories.Hair Voyage is not a transplant mill that you see in Istanbul. The large-scale transplant centers perform 20-30 procedures/day, most conversations are with a patient representative, there is minimal interaction with the doctor and most importantly, the large operations don’t produce the quality results I was looking for. In general, the hairlines that came out of the large shops look too unnatural for my taste.I would describe Hair Voyage Turkey as a boutique hair transplant center. The doctor himself is very involved with his patients from the point of initial contact till the end. All conversations are directly with him and there is ample opportunity to review any questions or concerns regarding the procedure. The team leads who lead the transplant procedures have at least 10 years of experience in hair transpalnt. With his plastic surgery background and his eye for esthetics, the doctor gives direction to the teams throughout the entire process. Between his meticulous nature and the experience of his teams he produces some of the most natural appearing hairlines I’ve seen. Having a smaller, highly experienced shop that treats patients like family members makes the entire experience quite remarkable. I spent a fair amount of time with the doctor himself and he treated me to delicious Turkish donner on my departure day.The facility is modern, clean and inviting and is overlooking the sea. The staff is professional, kind and friendly and the doctor is a warm and caring individual. I felt completely at ease in the hands of the Hair Voyage staff. The hotel I stayed at was walking distance to the hair clinic and there are several restaurants in the area with great food.After care instructions and supplements were great. Even weeks after the procedure, Hair Voyage is available for questions or concerns. Overall, the experience set a new standard for what a medical procedure should be like. The doctor and the staff at Hair Voyage Turkey are the best! I wholeheartedly recommend anyone looking to do a hair transplant to visit Hair Voyage. I am truly grateful for my experience and cannot thank the team enough.
Tim Preuß
Tim Preuß
Hallo zusammen, ich komme aus der Nähe von Dortmund und habe mich im Oktober für eine Haartransplantation bei Hair Voyage entschieden. Vor zwei Wochen war es dann soweit und ich bin nach Antalya geflogen.Der Ablauf und die Organisation haben mehr als 5 Sterne verdient! Von der Abholung am Flughafen über das traumhaft schöne Hotel bis hin zum Eingriff selber, sowie dem Gefühl das man immer einen erreichen kann, es hat an nichts gefehlt.Ich kann die Praxis von Hairvoyageturkey und seinem überaus freundlichem Team nur wärmstens empfehlen, wenn man eine schmerzfreie und professionelle Haartransplantation machen möchte!Im Vorfeld wurden alle meine Fragen in längeren Telefonaten und dem Austausch von Bildern beantwortet und mögliche Bedenken genommen. Es war von dem ersten Kontakt bis jetzt zur Nachsorge einwandfrei!Über Sprachbarrieren braucht man sich keine Sorgen machen, wem es mit dem Englischen nicht so liegt, wird von der sehr netten Frau vom Doctor perfekt auf deutsch beraten und unterstützt. Vielen Dank nochmal dafür!Es war wirklich schön euch kennengelernt zu haben!Fotos von dem Ergebnis werde ich zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt hier noch ergänzen.
Tanju Cengiz
Tanju Cengiz
„Ich hatte eine ausgezeichnete Erfahrung in der Hairvoyageturkey Clinic. Der Clinic Doktor ist ein sehr erfahrener Arzt,der den Ablauf sehr gut und ausführlich erklärt hat. Er und sein Teamhaben die Operation zu meiner vollsten Zufriedenheit durchgeführt.Der Rest des Teams der Hairvoyageturkey Clinic, die Krankenschwesternsowie das Verwaltungspersonal sind sehr freundlich undzuvorkommend, ich hatte das Gefühl, ich könnte mich jedem Mitarbeiter anvertrauen und stellte Fragen, die mir alle ausführlich beantwortet wurden. Ich kann dieses Team schwerstens empfehlen.
Mahir Misto
Mahir Misto
Hair Voyage Turkey är enastående när det gäller att utföra hårtransplantationer. Jag hade nyligen en fantastisk upplevelse med dem och är mycket imponerad av deras professionalism, vård och resultat.Teamet var otroligt kunniga och välutbildade. De tog sig tid att förklara hela processen och besvarade alla mina frågor med tålamod och detaljerad information så jag kände mig trygg före och under operationen.Jag kan starkt rekommendera Hair Voyage Turkey till alla som överväger en hårtransplantation. Deras professionalism, kvalitet omtänksamhet och stöd, gör dem till det bästa valet för den som söker hårtransplantation i världsklass!
Eren Tuncer
Eren Tuncer
I am a dentist from Vienna and I received hair transplantation service at this clinic. I was extremely pleased with my experience. My first impressions were quite positive; I was welcomed with a modern and hygienic environment and the warm approach of the staff made me feel at ease. Especially my doctor gave detailed information about the hair transplantation process and guided me at every step. The technology they used and the methods they applied were extremely professional and reassuring. With his careful and attentive approach during the hair transplantation process, Hairvoyageturkey staff made me feel confident before the operation. They stayed in touch with me after the hair transplantation and guided me on how to take proper care.In short, I was extremely pleased with the service I received from this clinic and I would recommend it to everyone.
Jozef Lovász
Jozef Lovász
We would like to thank Hairvoyage team for the best service we ever had. There are no words we can say, how thankful we are for his job. Everything was perfect since we arrived in Turkey, until we left. Hair transplantation went perfectly smooth. There was no pain at all. Doctor described everything how it is supposed to be. I have never seen a Doctor like him.We can recommend Hairvoyage team 11/10. 🙂
5 star and more experience with HairVoyageTurkey and staff. They were all very helpful in every way possible. Patient care was top of the list. I would recommend Hair Voyage to anyone.Thank you again HairVoyageTurkey for all of your help prior, during and post surgery.
Dhiraj Adhikari
Dhiraj Adhikari
Highly recommended, I did my hair transplant in Hair Voyage Turkey, using the DHI technique, great service, very friendly staff, great doctors. The reason I choose Hair Voyage is they offer me higher graft with great price and, latest technology. Last but not list, great place to visit, Antalya!! don’t miss the opportunity, Thank you Hair Voyage!!
Leon G.
Leon G.
Meine Erfahrung mit Hair Voyage war von Kontaktaufnahme bis Nachsorge absolut perfekt. Die Behandlung ist, abgesehen von der Betäubung selbst, weitestgehend schmerzfrei abgelaufen und könnte nur wegen der Dauer von 7 Stunden, als anstrengend angesehen werden.Das Ergebnis überschattet aber jede Unannehmlichkeit, denn mit diesem bin ich zu 100% zufrieden.Für offene Fragen und Tipps steht das Team auch Monate nach der Behandlung zur Verfügung.Absolute Empfehlung meinerseits!
Hair Voyage Turkey ekibiyle yaşadığım deneyimimi anlatmak ve kendisine buradan teşekkür etmek istedim. Saç ekimi için Avustralya Sidney’den geldim. Gelmeden önce birkaç ekim merkezini araştırmıştım.Benim seçimden önce dikkate ettiğim birkaç nokta vardı. Tecrübe, ekildikten sonra saçın doğal oluşu, daha önceki yapılan ekim örnekleri ve kişi tavsiyeleriydi. Hair Voyage tam olarak sorularıma yanıt veren bir saç ekim merkeziydi. Ayrıca DHI tekniğiyle ekim yapması da ayrıca ilgimi çeken bir nokta oldu. Bu teknik sayesinde ekim sonrası daha rahat ve acısız geçti. Diğer yöntem/yöntemleri tecrübe etmemiş olsam da nasıl bir süreç olduğunu arkadaşlarım aracılığıyla biliyordum.Tüm ekibi de kendisi gibi yetkin ve tecrübeliydi. Harika bir ekibe sahip, herkes gayet kibar ve profesyoneldi.Saç ekim merkezi modern, hijyenik ve çok güzel bir deniz manzarasına sahip.HairVoyage ekibi ekim öncesi ve sonrası yakından ilgi ve alakası harikaydı. Bu gerçekten takdiri hakediyor. Kendisi gerçek bir profesyonel ve işinde gerçekten iyi !! Tüm görüşmelerimi kendisiyle yaptım ve her türlü sorumu veya endişemi giderdi. Hala iletişimiz devam etmekte. Hair Voyage Turkey ekibi kesinlikle en iyisi oldukları aşikar !!Saç ekimi yaptirmak isteyen herkesin Hair Voyage ziyaret etmesini kesinlikle tavsiye ediyorum.Deneyimim için gerçekten memnunum ve müteşekkirim. Tekrardan bu başarılı operasyon için tüm HairVoyage ekibine teşekkür ediyorum.
tracy jackson
tracy jackson
I first met with a representative from the clinic back in 2019 when I was in Turkey having dental treatment and was very well looked after me then. So I had no hesitation in consulting with them for my sons Hair Transplant. The representative from the clinic is very knowledgeable and professional, Hair voyage Turkey is in an amazing location in Antalya, it is a very modern clean and welcoming clinic with a specialist hair transplant team. All through the process the clinic was on hand to answer any questions or concerns, he was there with my Son throughout the treatment and cared for him very well. They speak very good English is extremely professional and very knowledgeable in the business of Hair Transplantation they use the latest technology and techniques. The aftercare service was brilliant too.I would have no hesitation in recommending Hair Voyage Turkey the service is amazing.
ich hatte im November 2023 die Gelegenheit, gemeinsam mit drei Kollegen und Freunden eine Haartransplantation in Antalya durchzuführen, und möchte gerne meine Erfahrungen teilen. Von Anfang an war ich von der Professionalität und Seriosität der Organisation beeindruckt. Bereits im Hotel vor Ort wurden wir umfassend über den Ablauf der Operation informiert und konnten alle unsere Fragen direkt mit dem Arzt besprechen. Es war beruhigend zu sehen, wie gründlich und transparent jeder Schritt erklärt wurde, unterstützt durch Beispiele und Videos.Das Hotel, in dem wir untergebracht waren, bot nicht nur komfortable Zimmer, sondern auch eine ausgezeichnete Verpflegung und eine günstige Lage in der Nähe der Altstadt und des Meeres. Die Praxis, in der die Haartransplantation durchgeführt wurde, war nur etwa 15 Minuten vom Hotel entfernt, und wir wurden freundlicherweise vom Arzt persönlich abgeholt.Die eigentliche Transplantation dauerte etwa 7 Stunden, während derer mir sowohl der Arzt als auch sein Team alles ausführlich erklärten. Vor dem Eingriff wurden meine Haare kurz rasiert, um die Transposition zu erleichtern. Obwohl dies nicht zwingend erforderlich war, entschied ich mich für diese Option, um ein optimales Ergebnis zu erzielen. Etwa 3700 Haare wurden entnommen und nach einer angenehmen Mittagspause wurden sie in einem Zeitraum von etwa 4 Stunden an drei Hauptstellen wieder eingesetzt.Der Entnahmeprozess verlief überraschend schmerzfrei, und auch beim Einsetzen der Haare konnte ich mich entspannen. Lediglich die lokalen Betäubungsspritzen im Kopf waren etwas unangenehm, aber nachdem diese Wirkung zeigten, spürte ich kaum noch etwas. Auch die erste Nacht verlief ohne Probleme, und am nächsten Tag hatten wir sogar die Gelegenheit, gemeinsam mit dem Arzt das beste Restaurant in Antalya zu besuchen.Insgesamt war die Haartransplantation ein äußerst problemloser Eingriff, den ich jedem weiterempfehlen kann. Ich erwäge sogar, in Zukunft einen weiteren Termin zu vereinbaren, um eventuelle Lücken auf der Rückseite zu verbessern. Wer also mit dem Gedanken spielt, eine Haartransplantation durchzuführen, kann ich einen Besuch in Antalya und bei diesem erfahrenen Team nur wärmstens ans Herz legen.
Shanaz Kosar
Shanaz Kosar
I just want to say a massive thank you to Dr aytac and his team at the hair voyage clinic. I was very apprehensive about the procedure and after talking to Dr aytac I felt very relaxed and confident about the process. The staff were amazing and really looked after me and tendered for my needs. The clinic was in a beautiful location overlooking the sea and that made things calmer. During the procedure the team kept me informed of what the process entailed and allowed me a break to relax and feel comfortable. The team was very professional and meticulous and made sure everything was done correctly. The aftercare has been tremendous and I am in regular contact with Dr aytac who is always there for me and answers any questions I have. Its an amazing team that will hopefully grow in stature. The clinic is very modern and welcoming. Thank you hair voyage for a 5 star 🌟 treatment.Perwaz hussain
Richard Deichen
Richard Deichen
I had my hair done at this clinic 7 days ago and wanted to share a few thoughts on my experience so far.The level of service provided was exceptional, marked by both professionalism and skill. From day one, the team offered personalized care, maintaining regular communication through WhatsApp and in-person interactions. This approach ensured I was well-informed and comfortable throughout the process.The calm and detailed explanation of the procedure was reassuring, and having real doctors perform and oversee the operation was a significant advantage. Based on my experience thus far, I highly recommend this clinic for its exceptional service and professional conduct. Should my opinion change in the future, I will update this review.
I wholeheartedly endorse and highly recommend Dr. Aytac and his exceptional team for an unparalleled service that surpasses industry standards. Dr. Aytac's expertise and guidance in the field of hair implantation are truly exceptional. His forward-thinking approach, exhaustive consideration of all options, and personal touch set him apart.From the moment of our arrival, Dr. Aytac extended a warm welcome, providing a comprehensive overview of the procedure. His recommendation for a good night's rest before the surgery demonstrated his commitment to our well-being. The following morning, he personally picked us up from the hotel, further exemplifying his dedication.At the clinic, Dr. Aytac meticulously went over the procedure once more, addressing any questions or concerns we had. His continuous explanations made a potentially complicated procedure surprisingly comfortable. The facility was impeccably clean, and the friendly staff contributed to a positive atmosphere. Dr. Aytac's decision to limit the number of patients showcased his commitment to providing individualized attention.The 4000-graft procedure proceeded seamlessly, with minimal discomfort throughout. Contrary to the daunting stories we had heard, it felt akin to a walk in the park. We returned the same day, able to rest for the remainder of the evening.Before our departure, Dr. Aytac offered valuable post-procedure guidance, supplying us with necessary medication and ensuring 24/7 support. His availability in case of any concerns was reassuring.As a businessman in the luxury industry, I understand the demands of providing top-notch service. Dr. Aytac's professional expertise and personalized care surpassed my expectations, offering insights beyond what I could have imagined. His ability to recall details about a client and a procedure from three years ago was truly impressive. Dr. Aytac's commitment to service places him in the top 1% of the industry in terms of knowledge, professionalism, and overall excellence. Without a doubt, I couldn't have selected a better doctor at any price.
Selina Höltl
Selina Höltl
Die Betreuung ging weit über die Haartransplantation hinaus. Es wurde somit sehr persönlich und individuell auch auf alle Fragen wurde umfassend eingegangen. Bei meiner Haartransplantation die komplett schmerzfrei verlief, bin ich sogar kurz eingeschlafen. Ich bin echt froh das ich zu Hairvoyage Turkey gegangen bin. So eine OP und so einen Service findet man wirklich selten. Absolut topPS.: da die Bewertung von meinem Freund von Google entfernt wurde, hier nochmal von meinem Account. Von Tobias Labza
Hallo İch Bin aus der schweiz Koray und hatte einen Bartimplantat. Alle Mitarbeiter waren sehr freundlich. Ich habe mich sehr wohl gefühlt. Alles wurde mir sehr gut erklärt ich wurde echt sehr gut aufgenommen. Ich dachte nie das ich mich so wohl fühlen würde. Heilungsprozess verlauft sehr gut habe keine Schmerzen. Ich bedanke mich sehr! Und sehr schöne aussicht aus dem Zimmern!! Habe mich verliebt!
Donald Macleod
Donald Macleod
Following a recommendation from a friend in Belek, Turkey I had a meeting with Dr Aytac Ertuna from Hair Voyage Turkey.He was highly professional, thorough and reassuring in his manner. There was no pressure, but i felt certain after my questions and concerns were addressed to pursue a hair transplant.There are several reasons for wanting to go through this process, each are very personal.I have to say that I found Dr Aytac’s team to be excellent, the facilities are first class and each step was clearly explained. Language was no issue and I felt completely reassured and trusted the team.There was a little discomfort as had been explained to me at the start, but once the medication had taken effect it was perfectly comfortable.My welfare was taken care of and I was returned to my hotel. Given plenty post care advice and had a follow up visit from the Dr, he demonstrated the hair shampooing process and explained what was ahead. He provided antibiotics and necessary medication, but also supplementary products for my skin condition, which had been a primary factor me in considering the transplant in the first place.I have no hesitation in recommending Dr Aytac Ertuna and his team if you are considering a hair transplant. You are in the best of care and treatment.
Emanuel Molina
Emanuel Molina
Recomiendo altamente esta clínica, ofrecen un trato sumamente personalizado, atienden cada detalle desde la información previa, traslado del aeropuerto al hotel, la cirugía, los cuidados posteriores e incluso el seguimiento postoperatorio. Por otro lado, la ciudad es impresionante, su gastronomía y sus playas son espectaculares, Hair Voyage Turkey es la mejor opción.
Vie 2k
Vie 2k
Last week i did a DHI hairtransplant in Turkey at the Hair Voyage clinic.Im 40 years old living in the Netherlands and went to turkey. The Clinic put me i a nice hotel and arranged everything.Doing a hairtransplant is a big thing and i did my research thorougly and i choose the clinic hairvoyageturkeyMy experience with this clinic, the procedure and the doctor (Aytac) was very good. I was feeling at ease with a good feeling that it would work out well and it did!!! The clinic, the Doctor, the staff were professional, the intake the service and the aftercare were 5 ☆☆☆☆☆ overall!Im glad i did it.The day after the procedure i was picked up from my hotel and brought to the clinic for the check up and first wash. All of my questions were answered accordingly and Dr. Aytac gave me all the needed instructions and tutorials for the coming days ,weeks, months so that i would know exactly what to do for the coming time. So to the clinic thnx for the good experience.
Rosario Gentile
Rosario Gentile
Von den Haartransplantationen in der Türkei, ist Hair Voyage der absolute Mercedes unter dem Haartransplantationen.Warum? Weil es keine Massenproduktion ist und Herr Dr. Aytaç sich um jeden Patienten professionell kümmert und nicht mehr wie 3 Patienten am Tag annimmt.Leute wollt ihr perfekte Haare hier seit ihr absolut richtig
Excelente el Dr. Aytac Ertuna, gran compromiso y Atencion de lujo. No lo deja a uno tirado en ningún momento. Está pendiente en todo momento, incluso para recomendaciones de restaurantes, no solo por la operación, la cual es sumamente profesional.
F .Ahmad
F .Ahmad
I was recommended hair voyage by a friend. I was given all the information required from the beginning before flying out to Turkey from hair voyage so I was confident in the procedure. The doctor, Dr Aytac had met me the night before the procedure to go through all the steps and answered all the questions i had. The nurses and doctors were very friendly and professional and made me feel at ease when the procedure was taking place. The facility was clean and comfortable and I would recommend this clinic to anyone who is thinking about having a hair transplant.Thank you once again to Dr Aytac and the team for a positive experience.
Net een week terug van Turkije en na een uitstekende DHI behandeling door Dr. Aytaç en zijn team, die ik zeker kan aanraden. Hij is niet de meest voordelige, maar wel een heel professionele en deskundige arts die al ruim 12 jaar ervaring heeft met deze behandelmethode. Hoewel DHI de beste methode is op dit moment, blijft het wel een serieuze ingreep. Dagen erna waren best heftig, En dan besef je je hoe belangrijk het is om een goede arts te hebben en een professionele kliniek waar alles goed is verzorgd. En dat krijg je hier bij Dr. Aytaç. Aanrader dus! @Dr. Aytaç and your team, many thanks for the warm welcome and excellent care!
Highly recommended! I had a great experience, thanks so much for the great team of hair voyage and to dear Dr Aytac off course 😊
Parisa M.
Parisa M.
Sehr hilfreich, sehr professionell, und top Beratung, alles in allem auf jeden Fall zu empfehlen.
I recently underwent a hair transplant procedure with the team at hair voyage Turkey in Antalya, and I have to say that Dr.Aytaç Ertuna certainly made the experience informative and hassle free. The experience was nothing short of excellent. From the initial communication via Whatsapp through to the face to face consultation to the post-operative care, Dr.Aytaç and his team displayed a professional, knowledgeable, and supportive process every step of the way.During the lead-up communication, Dr.Aytaç took the time to explain the procedure and the different options available specific to me. He listened to my wife’s concerns and helped her and me prepare ahead of time mentally and be prepared to make an informed decision about the best approach upon closer inspection at the first face-to-face meeting with the team. I can say it was easy to trust Dr.Aytaç and his team’s advice. They also provided me with clear communication and resources before, Durand and after which gave me good insight what to expect in terms of results and recovery time.On the day of the procedure, the team was incredibly attentive to task and worked diligently for 8 solid hours. They clearly are a close knit team, with lots of conversation and laughter happening between the team as they worked. As a professional educator, this happy attitude towards each other speaks volumes about the work culture. They made sure I was comfortable and checked in with me throughout the process. They took time to assess and ensure that the donor area was carefully harvested, and the recipient sites accurately mapped out and discussed before they started implanting the grafts.The procedure itself was a marathon session as I’d travelled a long way and the chances of coming back for a follow-up relatively slim. They decided to do a long, high graft count procedure. It was relatively painless, and the team worked diligently to maximise the time and limit the trauma to my scalp as much as possible. Dr.Aytaç personally oversaw the team throughout and the recovery speed is a testament to their care. He attended the accomodation afterwards and regularly followed-up to ensure I was healing as planned. He provided me with all the necessary post-operative medication, care instructions and products that were easy to follow and he modified the advice based upon his assessment of what would be most effective for me. I didn't experience any significant discomfort other than what was expected after the procedure, and I was able to resume most of my daily activities within a week. I’d strongly recommend taking more than a few days to recover and stay at the excellent hotel included.In the weeks and month following the procedure, Dr.Aytaç continued to provide excellent support via WhatsApp and follow-up with us about travel plans, providing lots of inside knowledge and advice which turned the experience into a great vacation as Antalya is truly a fantastic place to visit. Dr.Aytaç was always available to answer any questions or concerns I had. A professional team and process. I look forward to seeing the results in 12 months time.
Daria P
Daria P
I’d like to leave a review for a great doctor and the savior of my hair - Dr. Aytaç. I’m 32 and during the last 5 years I’ve been experiencing hair loss on my temples. At some point new hair just stopped growing and I ended up with bald patches in these areas. It’s nightmare for a young woman!!! I started to think about doing a Hair Transplant, but decided to try Hair PRP first, because I’ve read a lot of good reviews about this procedure.During my appointment, Dr. Aytaç was very attentive and thoughtful. He asked me a lot of questions about my health. He suggested that I try PRP and Mesotherapy, 5 sessions for each procedure. Our appointment lasted about an hour and Dr. Aytaç devised a treatment plan for me, including a special shampoo, mask, serum, vitamins and hair treatments. He is always available and answers all my questions.I saw the first results after 2 months (my treatment plan is 5 months long). There are new hair growing on my once bald temples! I have a lot of new short hair all over my head. My hair grows faster and thicker, and I already love the results!I’m very happy that I chose Hair Voyage Turkey and especially Dr. Aytaç. He is truly a professional, an amazing, caring doctor and a very nice person. If you have any hair problems, I encourage you to see Dr. Aytaç. I’m sure you won’t find a better doctor in Antalya. Thank you SO SO much, Dr. Aytaç!! 🌷🌷🌷---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Я бы хотела оставить отзыв своему замечательному врачу - Dr. Aytaç. Мне 32 года, последние 5 лет у меня выпадали волосы в височной зоне. Новые волосы в этой области практически перестали расти. Я думала над тем, чтобы сделать пересадку, но решила сперва попробовать Плазмотерапию, потому что читала много положительных отзывов о данной процедуре.Во время консультации доктор Aytaç был очень внимательный, вежливый, задавал много вопросов о моем здоровье. Он предложил мне попробовать Плазмотерапию и Мезотерапию, по 5 сеансов каждой процедуры. Наша консультация длилась около часа, Dr. Aytaç составил мне подробный план лечения, включающий в себя специальный шампунь, бальзам, сыворотку для волос, витамины и процедуры для волос. Он всегда на связи и отвечает на все мои вопросы.Первые результаты я увидела уже через 2 месяца (всего план лечения на 5 месяцев). Мои залысины в височной зоне стали зарастать новыми волосами! Появилось очень много новых коротких волос по всей голове. Волосы растут плотные, не пушковые. Я очень надеюсь, что к концу лечения у меня больше не будет залысин.Я очень рада, что выбрала именно эту клинику - Hair Voyage Turkey и доктора Aytaç, потому что он профессионал своего дела и очень хороший врач и человек. Если у вас есть проблемы с волосами и вы задумываетесь о пересадке - я рекомендую вам сходить к нему на консультацию. Я уверена, что вы не найдете более компетентного и внимательного врача в Анталии. Спасибо большое, Dr. Aytaç!!! 🌷🌷🌷